Couple of Bugs in 7.7.1 Dashboard layout and importing

Version 7.7.1
Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509)


Hope you’re well. I’ve encountered a couple of bugs in latest version.

Re dashboarding. Am unable to drag and drop widgets to second columns. Only really working with one column.

Re import. If I import a file with dynamic dropdown where the child option is not an available option for the parent then crashes on import. e.g. Country (parent) Towns(child). If I import with Country Scotland and Town London (which is not a linked option) then crashes.

Hope is of help.



Thank you. It would good if you could report these in Github Issues then you will get updates as they are fixed.

Hi chollingsworth,

We have already logged the Dashboard issue on Github, but please raise an issue with the importing and provide as much detail as possible, that would be great thanks! :slight_smile: