Could not start Installation for Fresh v8.1 on Mac using MAMP

Latest v8.1 release files used for new setup. Followed both methods for installation, via CLI and Browser URL but both of them failed.
Root path of apache set to crm/public Folder.
Ran composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader at crm root for vendor libraries.

For the DB error above, DB port is not running on 3306 which is the typical port, rather its a different than common ports. CLI installer does not ask for DB Port yet.

any clue on why it would not run or if anyone has setup v8.1 on MAMP/MAC ?

Not sure about the setup to be honest @cherub-chum I’ll try and rope in @clemente.raposo whenever he is available to help out.

But regarding to the port I believe you can in CLI following this thread here :point_down:

Overcame the port issue using ./bin/console suitecrm:app:install --help to check the

-Z “db_port”

gives us an option to specify DB Port via CLI install. The install was completed but the Site still throws same error. "Please run ng build from Terminal. "