Convert target to lead

Hi all,

i am trying to implement a marketing-sales process in SuiteCRM:

  • marketing adds (bulk) targets to SuiteCRM
  • sales starts calling people and converts them to leads

Now, when a salesperson picks up a target and (cold) calls them and concequently clicks on convert target, a lead is created from this target (that works). But the target is not removed or hidden. The result is that at some point in time another sales person is going to call this target again.

I am sure i am doing something wrong. Can anyone tell me how i should be doing this?

your cold calls need to be scheduled in calls. not worked from the target list.

  1. calls are scheduled in the call module.
  2. you can set a workflow in the workflow module to schedule all new targets for a call.
  3. then the marketers cold call inside of the call module now and not the target module.
  4. working the call records allows to close the call out preventing other marketers from multiple calls.
  5. you can also program the workflow to reschedule calls based on what your marketers change in the call record.

suitecrm is very robust I suggest studying the DOCS very heavily.