Convert LEAD

Hi guys im using the new 7.2 but went i open a lead the option to convert lead to oportunity is no longer there any idea.
PD im using the Suite R theme

The options are all there for me.

Can you provide screen shots etc.



There are the screen shots

i think is a permission problem Will can you tell me the right permission for folders and files please.

For the screen shots, you would need to show me onef the lead conversion screen. There should be checkboxes at the bottom, with ‘Create Opportunity’ as an option.

If you search the forums, you will find many permissions posts!


Gee, do you think it might be helpful to the rest of us with the issue if you posted what permissions you had to change on what?

Logged in as Administrator. Folder permissions set as per install instructions (7.5.3) and can’t find option to convert lead to opportunity anywhere. What else to try to fix this?

Actually, I can’t figure out how to get to the detail view of a lead because all the fields in the list view are inline editable so what do you click on to bring up the detail instead of edit view.

But still, the mass update drop down should have a convert option. I swear I saw it there before. Not any more. And there’s no checkbox in the lead edit view to convert to opportunity.

I’m always answering my own questions, LOL.

I find that you have to have the Name field in the list view to click on. So where do you control what fields link to detail view?

And I suspect the checkbox method of converting lead to opportunity was deleted in the past or it was never an option on edit view.