Contracts with Cash Flows History (Similar to invoice service line items)

Hello all,

My business is service oriented and uses utilizes a large amount of contracts. The way we flow our jobs it would be nice to have the ability to record changes to the contract / dollar value as they occur. Ex: Initial contract value, Change orders, payments. Line items would adjustable, like how invoice service line items behave. Should contain at least a title field, type drop down field, amount field. As additional line items are entered, the total on the actual contract record should be updated, again just like invoices.

I have attempted to build this module using the module builder, however; after my attempts I have come to the realization that the module builder is not advanced enough to create this kind of dynamic line item system. (two modules with a one to many relationship, with instant javascript creation of items on the second β€œmany” table) Unless I am missing something. I would be most interested if anybody has some information on duplicating and moding the existing invoice system, to the ends that I have described above.


It can be done but it has to be custom coded, and you would need to be a fairly competent developer or hire one to do it.

There is simply too much involved in this to explain it all to you here.

This post may be of some use:…&id=1346&Itemid=1136

Thanks for the feedback Andy. I assumed that would be case. None the less I appreciate the information.

Thanks for the link but unfortunately it is throwing 404 errors.