Contracts integration with pdf templates

Guys, please help. Is this only me. I cannot fund the PDF button in Contract. I have upgraded using the wizard.

Please help!

Do a rebuild relationships and then a repair and rebuild from the admin panel. If that does not work change your server permissions and try again.

Hi Andy,

I did all you have mentioned without any avail. I dont understand why although I see all the new updated files in FTP!

Anything else I can do?

Have you tried clearing out your browser cache also turn on developer mode in sugar. Failing that it must be permissions, is this a windows server?

Hi Andy,

Yes, I didā€¦ clearing cache, ctrl f5, used different browsers and turned dev mode on. Itā€™s still the same. My host is so its Linux.

My permission are 755 for folders and 644 for files.

Try setting the files to 777 just until you do a repair and rebuild etc then set back to the correct settings afterwards.

I hope hostgator allows that. I will give it a shot and let you knowā€¦

Thanks Andy

Hi Guys

Same issue here when first upgraded

Iā€™m on a linux server and used the recommendation from Will in a separate thread - below

This has solved the issue up to a certain point for us but We are required to update the permissions every day as it resets itself and goes back to ā€œundefinedā€??? WHY?!! :frowning:

Is there anything you know how that can solve this issue?! We are so close to deploying this upgrade to our live systems but until this is solved, we have decided it is not ready and is only in a test environment:(

Thanks for the help again!

We recommend the following permissions on a linux distro installation:

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data .

sudo chmod -R 755 .

sudo chmod -R 775 cache custom modules themes data upload config_override.php



Is this shared hosting your on? If so thats never the best for sugar or suiteCRM. A VPS would give you more control.


I had the same issue.

You need to change the default permission in config.php to the below then do a rest to your permission and theyā€™ll never revert back unless you upload an installation package or something.

ā€˜default_permissionsā€™ =>
array (
ā€˜dir_modeā€™ => 493,
ā€˜file_modeā€™ => 420,
ā€˜userā€™ => ā€˜ā€™,
ā€˜groupā€™ => ā€˜ā€™,

1 Like

I usually set: dir_mode = 1517 and file_mode = 420

But thatā€™s not 755. What permission is that?

Just spoke to hostgator. They said it cannot be done. The current permission should be sufficient to run any script.

Any other options??

Install a fresh copy of suite then edit the config to point to a copy of your old versions database. Do a quick repair and rebuild.

Thatā€™s too tasking especially when I have loads of custom stuff that I canā€™t even remember! So Iā€™ve done some manual code copying and got it to work!!! Not just on the Contracts Module, but also on my custom module!! Iā€™m all backed up now and feeling like a rock star.

Thanks guys!!!