Contact Form

I’m looking for a way to have our contact forms on our website directly feed into our CRM. I’ve searched the forums but am having trouble finding a guide to how to do that. Can someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks!

Should I take this to mean there isn’t a way? :huh:

You can find an example here.

Have you tried to create a Web To Lead Form? (This is achieved in the Campaigns module: you could create a campaign called Web Leads and then create the form)

Once done you can paste the generated code of the form in your website.

If you need you can edit the code as you whish, provided that the field names are respected as well as the the name of the script that is called by the form (index.php?entryPoint=WebToLeadCapture with the correct path or url to your crm instance). You also have to paste the hidden fields. If you want compulsory fields you have to edit the values of the hidden field named req_id (see this example: <input id=“req_id” type=“hidden” name=“req_id” value=“first_name;last_name;webtolead_email1;account_name;acc_vat_c;” />)

The generated form also includes two javascript files and appends some validation javascript at the bottom, which, again yo may decide to maintain or edit as you please.

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