Hi there.
I have added the new modules such as ‘Channels’ and I would like to connect it with existing modules (Contacts, Accounts…) by importing.
Could you please tell me what ways to do this exist?
If I understand correctly, You want to create relationships on the system from the standard modules to your custom one. To do it, you need to go to Studio and add them accordingly. Check for more information here:
Regarding importing, there is no multimodule option for it. What we have done is to create a generic module that contains the requiered fields from the various modules, then we use logichooks to create records into the different modules as required. From there you can create the relationships as well. Take a look into this sample:
Hope it gives you some ideas.
AlxGr, Thank you for the feedback!
I checked out the link you shared and it looks like the proposed solution is to associate records pragmatically.
Let me clarify my question. We are looking to import data in to SuiteCRM from a different CRM (Zoho) and preserve existing associations between record (eg Accounts and Contacts). Records are associated by unique Zoho RecordID. Is it possible to associate records during import based on a unique ID?
My suggestion was oriented to manual import from CSV files.
Check the conversation on the posts below for ideas:
AlxGr, thank you for the link to the discussion! Saw several third-party tools come up as being recommended way to import data. Is there to associate record during import using native tools? - one poster implied that it was indeed possible with some limitations (can only associate records with one module), but did not see any details. Thank you for all the help so far!
The thing is that In SuiteCRM you can import data into one module at the time. The only way It might be possible with out creating custom code is to import accounts first. Once you have the accounts your might be able to import the other modules data and create relationships to accounts by using the account name.
Any other relationships you will be need to be create them manually.
What I’ve done in the past is just manually import the cross reference into PHPmyAdmin. It’s pretty straight forward. Once you create the relationship and at least one related record, you can see in the DB table pretty much how it works. I then normally just make an excel spreadsheet of the record id and the related record id and then just import right in PHPMyAdmin. If you mess it up you can always clear the table. Good idea to do a DB backup first just in case.