18 May 2018 11:39
I am happy that the confimOpt Mails are sent, but I can not find the small marks as described in the user dokumentation in contact list.
Is some work necessary to enable the display as seen in
And I want to modify the page that is shown to the user after confirmation.
Can this be done in the studio?
I would love to show a thankyou page or modify the page where it lands in general
I think this is a known issue:
About the landing page, please paste here the exact text in English that it shows, so I can search the code for where it is.
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18 May 2018 13:27
Thank you for the first hint - what a relief.
What I get is a pure text line:
You have confirmed that your email address " " has been opted in
Created with the URL:
18 May 2018 13:46
I think I got a an idea:
found with:
grep -rnisI “You have confirmed that your email address” *
Yes, that’s the file.
Try creating a custom copy like taught here .
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No, forget it, the custom file won’t get picked up, this needs to be improved here
You’ll have to customize the original, it won’t be upgrade-safe, you’ll have to check after each upgrade and perhaps re-edit the file if it happens to be overwritten by the upgrade…
18 May 2018 16:59
which other data could be shown there?
the email is referenced with $FOCUS->email_address in the template,
how to show Name or other data?
is this difficult or just use common place holders?
(Its my first approach tp modify SuiteCRM)
The template will replace only variables that have been passed into it by the calling function.
So that variable is prepared here:
You will need to add any variable you want from $this, which is a EmailAddress Bean. If you need to, you can do more work in PHP and go around the other beans in order to get more data from other records.
(Read the Developer guide, Beans chapter, for an introduction).
Please post your results here, this is a new feature and possibly what you’re doing can be of use to more people, or even to merge into the product. Thanks.
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18 May 2018 18:38
This was very valuable for me.
Thank you!