Configurable Product

I need to add configurable products in quotes …
For instance :
I buy a product 10 €
I want a margin coefficient of 30% or 1,3
I make a discount of 1 €
There is a tax of 20 %

How can I put Buying price and margin coefficient when I create a quote ?

It’s important for me

I need also a particular group in quotes.
I need to show the total price of the group but not lines inside …
It is possible ?

Thank you very much


Not an easy task but here is some information:

So. Invoices and quotes are using other two modules to display products details. One is AOS_Line_Item_Groups and is the one that is represented as Groups on the invoice view and other AOS_Products_Quotes that is the actual line item you add to invoices. Those are the ones you need to modify to accomplish what you want.

