Composite Fields Break When Required

Module: Tasks
Context: In the new task form, there is a section called “Related To,” which consists of a type of field called “Parent Type.” Selecting an option in this field enables another field next to it called “Related To” to select another option. We tried to make this field mandatory, and it “broke,” and we couldn’t make it reappear in the form as it did before. The idea was to make it mandatory. Is it not possible to make a composite field mandatory?

Attached images:

  • Before breaking:

  • After breaking:

Any errors in the logs at the time when the screen displays?

What about Javascript errors in the browser’s developer console?

In the system log, I have the following entry:

In the browser, I don’t see anything.
The error occurred on June 19th

Those fatals are relevant and should be investigated, if they occur when rendering the screen. It’s better that you confirm that by reproducing the error again.

You probably should increase the log level (at least to “warning”)