Composing Email: From tab is not working as expected

Hi Folks,

I am using SuiteCRM 7.10.7, and there when I am trying to compose an email, it is not behaving as expected, from tab is coming as a blank drop down.
Nothing is getting appeared there.

I have heard that 7.10.5 version has this issue, but not sure with 7.10.7

Any thoughts.


Hi rachit_sinha09

Login with Admin account,
Go to Admin section,
Drop down the window ,
Click on the Email Setting ,
under email setting fill all the details correctly and check “Allow users to use this account for” check box
refresh your compose email page
its works :slight_smile:

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Hi yahyanawab,
Thanks for the suggestion and now From tab is having value.
But now a new problem arises, when I try to send an email, popup windowing is getting appeared (showing sending email to ""), nothing is happening even after 10-15 minutes.

I tried couple of times, but no luck so is there anything I am missing


Hi rachit_sinha09

First go to setup your email setting , Inbound email account and outbound email account,
then send test email
if everything is ok its means your email setting is correctly setup

please Repair / rebuilt your crm
I hope after that it works :slight_smile: