Compose Email with prefilled Subject and Body

I am trying to open up an email compose view with prefilled values in Subject and Body from a template, is there a way I can achieve that?

Check the documentation here:

Thank you for your response.
This link describes only how to create an email template, what actually i want to achieve is open up compose email modal with pre-select template and subject and body as pre-filled.
lets say anywhere in system when user clicks on email, it opens up the modal for compose email, there is a relate field to email template , upon selection of template the subject and body of compose get auto-filled with the values from template. I want this to be pre-filled.

When you click on compose it gives you the option to select the template you want to use. The option is also presented when you reply to a email.

Was wondering if you had any success in opening up an email compose view with prefilled values in Subject and Body through a popup screen which leaves the current account detailview screen in the background?
I’ve tried the adding a customcode with mailto: but it merely opens up Windows 10’s Mail app to send an email instead of the composeview popup.