Company logo - size and wrong location

Hello everyone, after updating to version 7.1.1 the company logo appears shifted to the left of the page footer and very large size. This did not happen with version 7.0.2.
Can you tell me what I have to set action to restore the logo in the center of the footer? Then I would know the optimal size of the logo to be loaded in the system settings.
Thanks for the support

Hi there,

This will be addressed in the next bug-fix release. You could edit the #footer style in style.css in themes/Suite7/css in the time-being.

Kind Regards,


Thanks for the reply. I look forward to the update in the next bug fix release. I would like to know the optimal size of the logo to be loaded in the system settings.
Thanks for your support

Hi there,
i solved the Company Logo to be centered in the footer adding in


	overflow: auto;
	float: none;
	margin: 0 auto; 
	border: none;

div#responseTime {



div#responseTime {…}

is to adjust the space for the Server Time answer (in Italian the text is longer)