How can I hide the company logo which appears on the footer of every single page.
I have tried locating the css file C:\xampp\htdocs\suitecrm\themes\Suite7\css but when I change the code and save it, nothing happens.
How can I hide the company logo which appears on the footer of every single page.
I have tried locating the css file C:\xampp\htdocs\suitecrm\themes\Suite7\css but when I change the code and save it, nothing happens.
Are you referring to the one that appears on the bottom-left of the page?
If so, You can hide it with the following:
Copy the file at: /themes/Suite7/tpls/footer.tpl
and paste it in the location: /custom/themes/Suite7/tpls/footer.tpl
(If this directory doesn’t exist, feel free to create it)
In this newly pasted file, Comment out line 53. (This will be the line that begins with Then, do a Quick Repair & Rebuild in the CRM and Press CTRL+F5 to clear your cache and refresh the page. The logo should no longer appear.)