Clients who Have Migrated to SuiteCRM from SugarCRM CE or Subscription?

Hello, I am an enthusiastic fan of open source and admire the great job Sales Agility has done with forking and enhancing SuiteCRM into the best open source CRM out there.

Unfortunately, SugarCRM is talking down SugarCRM Ce and also SuiteCRM in an effort to drum up their subscription business.

I am in the last stage of a tender for a CRM solutions for a leading company in Malaysia (where SugarCRM is also competing).

The Hospital is asking if any major companies have switched to SuiteCRM?

Could users / moderators mention a few names - I know of CTI group. Are there other major clients?

It would be great to have a few names soon - I need to submit them by tonight.

Thank you,

Not something we can just provide details to you for, we have no confirmation of your validity or who you are providing business to/for.