Clicking on the 'Related' link in a campaign increases the 'Viewed Message' counter


We use SuiteCRM version 7.11.15 (on a hosted Apache Server) and we have the problem that the ‘Viewed Message’ counter of a campaign increases if an internal SuiteCRM user clicks on the ‘Related’ link in Campaign subpanel ‘Message Sent/Attempted’. If this happens, we do not know if the mail recipient or an internal user of the SuiteCRM database has viewd the mail. (See screen shot of the mentioned page.)

Is this the intended behavior?
Is it possible that SuitCRM insert a link which does not increase the counter?


Perhaps you would need to create a custom entryPoint campaign_trackerv2 and modify it accordingly in order to ignore such activities.

Hi Andopes,

Thanks for feedback.
I try to understand what you are going to tell me. For that reason I have sent one email with a test campaign

The Email recipient gets following link during these test campaign and if he clicks on that link the view counter gets increased (correctly):
As far as I believe, a click on that link enters the campaign_trackerV2 entry point.
854b8f86-2cf2-6c7d-c8e9-5f5b8555fb98 is the content of field “target_tracker_key” within table “campaign_log”
d010bd11-45ee-4011-a3ab-5f5b84b4a360 is the content of field “id” within table “campaign_trkrs”

After Email has been sent the “Campaign Status” SubPanel “MessageSent/Attempted” shows following link (internally in SuiteCRM):
If a SuiteCRM User clicks on that link the view counter gets increased as well which is not good because afterwards we do not know whether an internal user or Email recipient has viewed the Email.

What exactly do you mean with “you would need to create a custom entryPoint campaign_trackerv2 and modify it accordingly in order to ignore such activities.” ?

If I am going to modify the custom entryPoint “campaign_trackerv2” how would that help in case of a internal user clicks on the internal Campaign link as dexcribed above?

Sorry for late answer.

By creating a custom entryPoint (to override the entryPoint definition pointing to a custom script), you can let such a feature decide whether to increases the ‘Viewed Message’ as you wish.
That entryPoint points to script campaign_tracker.php which calls core function log_campaign_activity. You have to override the entryPoint in order to point to some custom_campaign_tracker.php which calls the custom function custom_log_campaign_activity. Inside that custom function you will decide whether to increase the counter.
