click-trough link hits but no name

I have created my first email campaign, and now I can see the results.
Messages send, messages read, opted out …
I have also several hits on my two click-through links (to my company website), the I don’t see any names that have used the click-through.

I don’t suppose this is normal because these are the people you want to contact afterwards.

Did I do something wrong, can any one here help me ?

Thank you

Hi gITds,

The campaign will show the contacts/targets who have clicked through and give many details in the “Click-thru Link” subpanel in the “View Status” panel of Campaigns.

Is the campaign showing that people have clicked through?



Hi Will,

It seems that I have made a mistake while looking at Status view of the campaign. I have messed it a bit up.
In the subpanel of Email Marketing I have created several entries, during the creating of my campaign, doing a filter of the good one showed no click-thru.

Still a lot to learn.
