Clean install of 7.1.1 results in database error

I just performed my first install of SuiteCRM. It seemed to go smoothly, but when I reached the end and tried to access the site, I received a basic blank screen with the following message:

“Sugar CRM 6.5.16 Files May Only Be Used With A Sugar CRM 6.5.16 Database.”

I had no pre-existing db, never having used Suite or Sugar before. I did not load sample data, but let the installer create a new database and user.

Any thoughts? Is 7.1.1 not a stable release? Should I be dropping back to 7.0?


Suite (Sugar) won’t create a new database for you, but it will populate an empty one.

Are you sure that the database you point Suite to had no tables in it?

I’d go in and ‘drop’ all the tables in your database via phpMyAdmin.

Then go into config.php and change:

‘installer_locked’ => true

to false

and bring up Suite and the installer should run again.