Choosing the default dashlets for user groups in SuiteCRM

Hi guys,
How do I choose what default dashlets to be viewed by users in SuiteCRM? By default, when a new user is created, the dashboard loads with the following dashlets: MY CALLS, MY MEETINGS, MY TOP TEN OPPORTUNITIES, MY ACCOUNTS, MY LEADS AND MY ACTIVITY STREAM. In this case, I would like for the index page to load with only the MY CALLS and the MY ACTIVITY STREAM dashlets. Kindly point me to the right file to edit from a developer’s point of view or the right options to edit from an admins point of view. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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That should do the job. Take a look at it.

I want to display only MY CALLS and the MY ACTIVITY STREAM dashlets. Commenting out some lines in dashlets.php does not work.

$defaultDashlets = array(
‘MessageDashlet’ => ‘Home’,
// ‘MyMeetingsDashlet’=>‘Meetings’,
// ‘MyOpportunitiesDashlet’=>‘Opportunities’,
// ‘MyAccountsDashlet’=>‘Accounts’,
// ‘MyLeadsDashlet’=>‘Leads’,

Make sure to run a QRAR. Then create a new user to test this out.

That worked. Thank you.