Chat Tool Integration with suitecrm

Hello All
Can anyone guide me i want to add chat tool with our suitecrm.
For which tool i should go for any ideas ?
Thank you all.

There isn’t one out of the box, but a number of third party providers have implementations.

Try searching a search engine (Google, DuckDuckGo) for “chat SuiteCRM reviews” or the SuiteCRM store for any available plugins.

I haven’t personally used one myself but I’m sure if you look at the reviews of them that you get a fair idea of the support and activity.

Also with SuiteCRM store plugins you get 30 days free trial to try them out.

Ok i will definately check. Thanks

Hello Namit,

If you are looking for internal team collaboration, this team collaboration add-on may help you.

Thanks & Regards,
Team Urdhva Tech

Thank you for getting me back. Let me check once for any further help i will ping you. Can you please provide me the downloadable link . Is it paid ?


We have developed the premium chat plugin for SuiteCRM users. It has a file-sharing feature as well.

Please visit a link for more details

Please feel free to ask if you have any additional questions.
