After upgrading from 7.9.14 to 7.10 the character encoding in input fields is not working correctly any more. For instance,
Krüger will become Krüger.
To confirm this, I did a fresh install of 7.9.14 and 7.10 on the same setup. Works fine with 7.9.14.
Server connection collation is UTF8mb4_general_ci, although all tables are UTF8_general_ci. Any ideas?
this affects all fields in table contacts, users etc. The string appears wrong in Detail view and edit view. I can change the string manually on database level with an SQL statement, then it will be displayed correctly.
UPDATE DB3279832.users SET first_name = ‘Jörg’, last_name = ‘Höger’ WHERE = ‘2a835bb9-6776-25d4-f019-5a953062611c’;
I followed the thread and patched MysqlManager and MySQLiManager accordingly before reinstall, but that did not do the trick. I am a bit clueless here since i don’t know what else actually changed since 7.9.14.
Maybe you should open a new Issue on GitHub about this. I can’t do tests on 7.10 right now, much less to try different server collations, but the other developers on GitHub will be able to do that (although it is not certain they will find the time…).
Meanwhile, if other people get this issue they will probably see it better over there.