Changing Listview Design

I have a question. It is possible to change whether the data is showing list view(i.e., in the table) to the grid view.I’m sharing the screenshot with you.

Thank You!

Hi @omee,

Could you provide more information as to what you are looking to achieve?

Hi Mac-Rae,
I want to change the design of the Listview of a specific page. Now data is showing in a table but I want to show data in grid format.

At the first you should change file: themes/SuiteP/include/ListView/ListViewGeneric.tpl , may be another files into this directory.

By doing this it will change design of all module but i want to the design of only 1 module .

HI @omee,

Have a look at this documentation

I would suggest creating a new view altogether. After making your changes you will need to create a new sass file to ensure the CSS is correct. I’m not sure how functional this will work out of the box and will need a decent chunk of work put into it to get it to a usable level.

If you want to be able to change between views you will also need to create a custom method of changing the view (I.e javascript with a button that changes between list and grid)

I think that it’s possible. You should:

  1. Make custom functions: ‘display’, ‘listViewProcess’ and ‘preDisplay’ in file: custom/module/<module named>/views/view.list.php (For example you can see files: modules/Users/views/view.edit.php and modules/ProjectTask/views/view.list.php)
  2. Make special tpl and css, may be js.

Thank you so much:smile: