Hi, I"m trying to change the date format in SuiteCRM.
From Admin --> Locale I have tried selecting 23-12-2010, 23/12/2010 and 23.12.2010 and none appear to make any difference at all to the way the date is viewed front end. I have tried clearing the browser cache and running a quick repair and rebuild with no luck.
Date format on host server and on my local PC are set to dd/mm/yyyy.
yes this can be changed at user level, thank you. Completely missed this as I would have thought changing this at Admin–> Locale would change it system wide in just the same way that changing Language, Name Format, Currency, Currency code, decimal symbol and 1,000’s separator does.
There are an awful lot of countries in this world that don’t use american formatting for dates, would be a really good idea if changing it in Admin --> Locale did actually change it system wide.
I am not sure but I believe that when you create a new user the default are the system preferences, but specific preferences can be set for the user being created.
Once the user has been created he goes with his own preferences also when admin changes the system preferences.
I agree with you that it would be a nice to have to have the possibility to set the preferences for a selected list of users.
Even at a system level this would be great, I’m based in NZ, we don’t use american date format (there a a LOT of other countries that don’t). To be able to globally set the date format for the majority of users would be a good idea.
It seems very odd that the date format is the only field on the Admin–> Locale screen that doesn’t set system wide.
Hi Anne,
After you adjust global settings, you can always “edit” each user and click on the “Reset User Preferences” button, like the image below. This will make all settings be set to the global defaults.
It would be even nicer to have a few options such as, for example:
. system
. all user
. set of users (=> pop-up to select predefined set, possibly from groups)
. selection of users (=> pop up to select users one by one or based on a search or report)
now in new version this option is not working. I have set date format under Locale, got to user and Reset but nothing happend.
There is a general problem in setting preferences for all users from ADMIN point; I have to go into every user and set their info???!!