Change tax value?


I have looked up everything in suiteCRMā€™s Admin panel, Googled and search this Forum but I canā€™t find where to change the Tax value.
I would be grateful if anyone can suggest where I can find the tax settings to change the procent values.

suiteCRM Version 7.0.2
Sugar Version 6.5.16 (Build 1082)

Hi there,

To edit the tax values, navigate to Admin -> Studio and open up the drop down editor and edit the ā€œvat_listā€ drop down.




Many thanks for your quick respond.

You saved my day!

Hi Will,

Is it possible tha the screen remains blank when I click the DropDown Editor?

FYI I am running 7.1.


Hi there,

What is your issue? Is the Drop Down Editor screen not populating?



When I click the Drop Down Editor burron my screen remains blank, no editor screen is shown.

Hi there,

Please ensure you set the correct permissions on your instance and navigate to Admin -> Repair and perform a Quick Repair & Rebuild.



Hi Will,

I performed your actions (logged in as admin and performed the quick repair and rebuild, unfortunately not the right result. Will try later on a different computer wit different browserā€¦

Same is happening with the Module Builder and the Studio button. I need to dive deeper in thisā€¦

Regards & thanks for now.

Cheers, Derk

Hi Will,

I found the cause on my PC/webbrowser. Simply using another browser (Chrome instead of Firefox) on another PC (both Wndows 8 machines and all works how it was meant to be. Will need to investigate if the problem was caused by browser, or by PC. When I have the answer I will post it again.


Whne i change vat list this error comes

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ā€˜$app_list_stringsā€™ (T_VARIABLE) in E:\xampp\htdocs\crm\custom\application\Ext\Language\ru_ru.lang.ext.php on line 1100

Please tell somethingā€¦

Hi there,

Please navigate to Admin -> Languages and disabled the Russian Language pack to resolve your syntax error issue. Alternatively, upgrade to SuiteCRM 7.1.3.



Thanx itā€™s working


We have two type of product one have 5% Vat and Second 12.5% Vat. In suite crm they calculate perfectly but we want show each vat separately in row please check attachment for example.

Please suggest for the same

How did you add the second VAT? Did you ever get them to show seperatley? I am in need of the same thing.

You would need to alter the code in the module quite significantly to add a a second separately calculating VAT field.

I also have this requirement.

I am an intermediate to advanced level PHP / MySQL Developer so I am not afraid to dig into the source code and make changes.

However I am new to the SugarCRM CE and SuiteCRM solutions so I need some direction on developer resources.

Where would I find this code on my server? (Which Folder)

and are there docs that are targeted specifically for developers?


In 7.7 the Dropdown Editor is no longer under Studio - it has its own entry under Admin->Developer Tools. vat_list is still the correct entry to edit.

It would be nice if this was a bit more obvious though - the default tax rates are quite few so I can imagine that they will not be correct for a significant number of users.


My contribution:

In SuiteCRM 7.8.3 you can browse Admin -> DropDown Editor and you can find a list with all the dropdowns, the last one is ā€œvat_listā€, you can add your tax % and sort it or move it manually depending on your preferences. Do not forget to save pushing in ā€œsaveā€ button. I forgot it the first time.

I hope this help to new users as me.

Best regards


1 Like

Thank guy, Very clear when the guide, find the right place and fast, do not take too much time as the other comment ā€¦ when the brief guide ā€œlike the shortsā€

Para aƱadir el campo IVA 21% tienes que ir a estudioā€“>items en lineaā€”>campos y ahi abajo donde pone IVA entrais y aƱadis un nuevo campo, los demas los borrasis salvo el 0%. :smiley: