Change Subpanel Module order

Is it possible to change the order of subpanel in the detailview.

For example: if i have three modules A, B, C and when view by detailview in A then B, C module will display in subpanel. the Module A has 3 tabs. basic tab will show Module A detailview. Tab B will show module B detailview and Tab c will show Module C detailview.

Since 3 tabs are all belong to Module A,so currently the sequence of module B and C displayed at subpanel will not change. so always subpanel (mdoule b–mdoule c) whatever you switch between the tabs. Is that possible when I clicking on tab b the (module b top the subpanel-same as basic tab, but when tab c is selected then the module c listview will surface at top of subpanel.

Hi there,

You can drag and drop sub-panels on a view to order as required.



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Hi Will,

Thanks your advise

While the cursor changes to the cross-with-arrows (generally designating the ability to grab and drag) I cannot actually select and drag anything in a module or view.

So I cannot change the sequence of subpanels.

Any advice?

To clarify: There are other places in SuiteCRM when I can drag-and-drop, but not when viewing a module such as “Accounts” (where I’d like to pull the “Contacts” to the top of the subpanel list).

And magically, it works now. I made a couple changes to php.ini (upload file size and time zone) but neither seem like plausible reasons for the change. But I am glad that it works!