Change QuickSearchDefaults query

In include/QuickSearchDefaults we can change the conditions of searching in Accounts module.

But in my case I added some custom fields to this module. This fields are in table accounts_cstm.

If I add a condition in the getQSAccount (in file QuickSearchDefaults ) that need this custom fields (for example status_c) I get this error : “Unknown column ‘accounts.status_c’”.

Is there a way to use custom fields in the conditions of getQSAccount ?

The workaround will be to add your custom fields manually to the table accounts in the DB that way you avoid the need of querying the custom table.



But that way SuiteCRM will not be upgrade safe ….

Thank you

It should. SuiteCRM won’t remove your changes to the DB on upgrade.

thank you.
I didn’t know that … now probably is a too late to make that change because I already “close” that module and I’m working on others