First of all, bear with me, as I am not a programmer or web designer, and I am new to CRM building, but I do get up to speed on technical things rather quickly. So here we go…
My question is this: my installation is hung up at the “Configuring relationships” point., and I belive it has to do with directory ownership and/or permissions. I am following the installation guide, but I can not decipher which instructions I should follow as a Windows user and which Linux instructions don’t apply to me.
Here are some specs:
running Windows10,
my web server is Bluehost
MySQL v5.6.32
Apache v2.2.31
I’ve changed all the file permissions per the wiki Installation guide, but do not know where or how to change the Owner of the root directory per step 4: “Set ownership of the SuiteCRM directory: under the Copying SuiteCRM files to web server” portion of the installation guide.