Change Font Size and Colour in local 7.11.10

Was working with older 7.6.4 and now installed LOCAL 7.11.10 SuiteCRM.
Imported the data and see that the Font is in Red and very small, how to increase the size?
In SuiteCRM or in Windows10 somewhere ?
Thanks for help

Hi @Petrovlis1,

Could you send a screenshot of what you are seeing?

Please make changes in CSS, but try to upgrade safe and put/customize your CSS here
\custom\themes\activated_theme\css\style.css(Copy from main theme/activated theme and past here.)

Quick repair and rebuild.

I’m not sure that will be required. From what there describing that sounds like an issue after installation compared to manual changes that need to be made. Unless there just not used to the theme which is possible. Either way, you would need to run a CSS rebuild from the command line via Robo or the direct command for any changes to take effect.

I’ve done lots of css updates in my version of suite. Would gladly help you out with this.