See also these other strings you might want to change:
$ grep CONFIRM_OPT_IN /var/www/html/include/language/en_us.lang.php
'LBL_CONFIRM_OPT_IN_TITLE' => 'Confirmed Opt In',
'LBL_CONFIRM_OPT_IN_DATE' => 'Confirmed Opt In Date',
'LBL_CONFIRM_OPT_IN_SENT_DATE' => 'Confirmed Opt In Sent Date',
'LBL_CONFIRM_OPT_IN_FAIL_DATE' => 'Confirmed Opt In Fail Date',
'LBL_CONFIRM_OPT_IN_TOKEN' => 'Confirm Opt In Token',
'LBL_SEND_CONFIRM_OPT_IN_EMAIL' => 'Send Confirm Opt In Email',
'LBL_CONFIRM_OPT_IN_ONLY_FOR_PERSON' => 'Confirm Opt In Email sending only for Accounts/Contacts/Leads/Prospects',
'LBL_CONFIRM_OPT_IN_IS_DISABLED' => 'Confirm Opt In Email sending is disabled, enable Confirm Opt In option in Email Settings or contact your Administrator.',
$app_strings['RESPONSE_SEND_CONFIRM_OPT_IN_EMAIL'] = 'The confirm opt in email has been added to the email queue for %s email address(es). ';
$app_strings['RESPONSE_SEND_CONFIRM_OPT_IN_EMAIL_NOT_OPT_IN'] = 'Unable to send email to %s email address(es), because they are not opted in. ';
$app_strings['RESPONSE_SEND_CONFIRM_OPT_IN_EMAIL_MISSING_EMAIL_ADDRESS_ID'] = '%s email address do not have a valid id. ';
When I have the opt in of the email it show me only a blank white page which I dont like and so i want to redirect to another page but when I change this page then nothing happens…
You need to try and change the output of the redirected page (to make it look like you want), not redirect to a different page altogether. If you do that then SuiteCRM will have no way to register the action.
And start by making sure that this white page is really an output, and not a FATAL error. Check both your logs at that time. I am sure there should be some message there on the screen, not simply a white screen…
It would be easier and faster to help you if were more precise. if your screen has a sentence on it, don’t say it is empty. And if you tell me exactly which sentence is written there, I can search the code and find it quickly…