Change case status based on email sent

I have my cases working well mostly, The status updates when emails are received from the client like so…

However, I’d like when a response is sent to the customer in the case, usually it’s asking a question, like … it’s solved can you please confirm?.. I’d like to change the status to pending input.

Has anyone done this? Is it possible with worklfow? Before Save hook? Etc?

Maybe an after_save in the Email record? If your response goes out through email, you should be able to hook that record creation.

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Thanks @pgr, I found that there is a specific condition in Workflow for case updates! (Learn something new every day!)

So when it’s not an internal update, I change the status to pending input. Then I know I’m waiting for the client to respond. I did it on modified records, on save.

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Nice find! I didn’t know this either!

This codebase is amazing, truly a bottomless well.

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I created a new workflow:
Version 7.11.18
WorkFlow Module:* Cases
Run: Only On Save
Run On:* Modified Records

when I save a new update, it sends an email to contact, but does not change the status to “pending input”

I’m doing something wrong