thanks for steering me in the right direction. Turns out this is coding issue with those having a php version less than 5.3. I needed to use the cases function which is critical to me for evaluating right now. I also did not have luxury/time of changing my php version on my VPS since I have a bunch of clients with dependencies on the older version.
I opted to change the canonical code abeit temporarily until a go for a production version with an upgraded environment.
For those having access to the code base on their systems here’s what I suggest. However, I’m not a big fan of this nor am I endorsing it in the long term.
It centers around the use of anonymous function support within the call to the usort() function in PHP. In this case it seems an elegant/code optimized way to pass the full function definition as a legitimate argument to another function. I got around this by defining the function seperately and then passing the function name/address and not the full definition.
At this point I have not fully used the cases module to see if any other non-backwards compatible functionality is used. But will not be an issue when I upgrade my php later on.