Cases module editview description fields


The description field in edit view is not visible for cases module but it is visible in detail view. I could see the below error in the console related to tinyMCE.

include/javascript/tiny_mce/plugins/code/editor_plugin.js?v=6WYxxxxMg net::ERR_ABORTED 404 (Not Found)


How to fix it? :thinking: :dizzy_face:

Does this file exist on your system? Probably not.
Which code file is trying to include it?


I don’t see such path in the CRM.


Also, on console it is showing Failed to load the below file, but it is already present.



I think I found the problem. The module had wysiwyg field and it was throwing an errors. I deleted that field and now we can see description field.

Why in-build textarea field looks like this(those are with editor at the top)?

But, custom textarea fields are without that editor menu:
