case updates and wordwrapping

I’m having an issue under Case Module where the Case Updates text does not word wrap. If someone enters a long note it will extend indefinitely to the right forcing the user to scroll to the right to see the rest of the information. Is there a way to prevent it from doing this?

Hi lle,

Have you tried this on the SuiteCRM Demo? This seems to wordwrap the cases text for description/update etc. What version of SuiteCRM are you using and which browser are you viewing this in?



I just tried it under the demo and it does the same thing. When you are editing the case and typing in the text it does wordwrap properly. Once you hit save and see the details of the case that is when the wordwrapping does not apply. If you look at case 4 in the demo you’ll see what happens.

Hi lle,

Thanks for reporting this. This didn’t seem to happen on a test that I created with two long sentences.



Hi lle,

The example on the demo didn’t word wrap as it had an unrealistically long word entered. Suite will word wrap as expected with words of an acceptable length.




Also is it possible under the Cases Module to search by Case Updates? I can certainly see a need to find out who has added case updates.

For example I need to find instances where Will added a case text update for ABC company. Otherwise I’d have to search by ABC Company, look at all the tickets one by one and find out which one Will added case updates to.

Hi Will again you are right. I never thought about the lack of a space being the determining factor. Dooohhh! Thanks Again.