Case creation from inbound email - Configuration not showing

Hi there,

I’m looking for the option to create cases automatically after receiving an inbound email in a specific inbox, but it is not showing at all (screenshot below).

I checked the source code on inspect and the “style” is set to “display:none” for some reason. Does anyone know where can I activate this properly?

Notes maybe worth something:
I’m using SuiteCRM in Portuguese
I’ve configured a custom CSS style changing all the colors

Thanks again!

That’s probably by design, very likely it’s because of the account type. I think you can’t do that function with personal user-profile email accounts, the options only appear for “group accounts” defined from Admin / Inbound Email settings.

Hi @pgr, thanks for your quick response.
We were able to find out the issue and you were right. We had to create a “New group mail account” and, in it, we could find these options available.

Thanks again!

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