case assignment

Cases assignemtn don’t work: always admin assign cases to admin. Don’t work with round robin and so also least busy.
Anybody has solved?

I’ve follow this tips:
but same issue remain.
Cases are assigned always to admin. :frowning:

I am truly amazed that in this forum nobody answer to post (maybe only my post?), not even the moderators.
However, even after the latest update to 7.1.2 the assignment of cases does not work randomly. Assignment always to admin.

Hi Ruberto,

I have consulted the developer who built AOP to find out if this is a known issue or is functionality that should work. Are you getting any errors in your sugarcrm.log file? Do your settings save correctly in AOP Settings? Is the case distribution set in the AOP settings page?



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Thank you so much Will

  1. sugarlog show me always:
    Thu Jul 10 12:24:01 2014 [8959][-none-][FATAL] Configuration variable date.timezone is not set, guessed timezone Europe/Berlin. Please set date.timezone=“Europe/Berlin” in php.ini!
    but in my php.ini I’ve setup date.timezone=“Europe/Berlin”
  2. AOP is setting properly
  3. I’ve properly setup the incoming email

Hi Ruberto,

The FATAL error is not related to AOP. I cannot see your uploaded images. Can you upload them in a post, or to another website?


