Can't save record in SuiteCRM 8.2

When saving a record after editing it, I get the dreaded popup ā€œError occurred while saving recordā€.

The network response is:
{"errors":[{"message":"Internal server error","extensions":{"category":"internal"},"locations":[{"line":2,"column":3}],"path":["saveRecord"]}],"data":{"saveRecord":null}}

I canā€™t see anything in the logs that explains more about the error.

Immediately clicking back to the ā€˜More informationā€™ tab on the record shows the new status, but if the record is opened fresh the old status is back, so the change isnā€™t making it into the database seemingly.

Iā€™ve tried turning on developer mode to see if there are more detailed errors, but also having issues with that (see Turning on developer mode causes fatal errors - #6 by stephhope )

The particular area where this issue is currently causing problems is in saving a Lead after updating it

Iā€™m now able to save records, but it still shows the ā€˜Error occurred when saving recordā€™ popup.

Having turned on developer mode, Iā€™m now seeing a cascade of ā€˜Undefined array keyā€™ errors which are causing the popup error message. First was an ā€˜Undefined array key ā€œsourceā€ā€™ on line 401 of AOW_Actions/actions/actionSendEmail.php. After altering the line to first check if the key is defined, I now see a ā€˜Warning: Undefined array key ā€œccā€ā€™ which seems to originate from the following line of the same file:

 337	                if (!$this->sendEmail(array($email_to), $emailTemp->subject, $emailTemp->body_html, $emailTemp->body, $bean, $emails['cc'], $emails['bcc'], $attachments)) {

I can only assume that if I fix this one thereā€™ll be more afterwards. Is there something else I should be doing to get an updated version of these AOW files, or a setting that I should change??

Edit: I wasnā€™t right about where the undefined index cc is coming from, but after fixing that and then a couple more errors the pop up error is gone at least on this page

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