Can't find my API endpoint

Hello – just did fresh install with SuiteCRM 7.10.8 – all good, on ubuntu 18.04 and Apache2 , PHP 7.2, working well.

Did my Client Credentials and Password clients in OAuth in SuiteCRM Admin, got all the ids, secrets, etc correct.

Just can’t seem to get a token back however.

anything to /lib/API/OAuth2/access_token just spits back a 404 error in PostMan. Similarly, none of the /v8/modules etc work either – same 404 error. Why?

Shouldn’t that be the endpoint at /lib/API/OAuth2 ?

How do I test to see the OAuth2 is set up correctly? The files in that folder are all readable, visible, and the public/private keys are there … just not sure what to test for or check at this point.

Thanks for any advice!