Can't deploy custom modules


I get this message everytime i try to create a new module: “An error has occurred during deploy process, your package may not have installed correctly”

When i try to install it, it loads up to 29% then i get a new error message:

  • " Warning: dir(cache/upgrades/temp/7B4D.tmp/icons,cache/upgrades/temp/7B4D.tmp/icons): in C:\Users\stagiaire2\Documents\EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC9\data\localweb\ProjetPerso\SuiteCRM-7.6.4\include\dir_inc.php on line 55"

  • “Warning: dir(cache/upgrades/temp/7B4D.tmp/icons): failed to open dir: No such file or directory in C:\Users\stagiaire2\Documents\EasyPHP-DevServer-14.1VC9\data\localweb\ProjetPerso\SuiteCRM-7.6.4\include\dir_inc.php on line 55
    Failed to copy cache/upgrades/temp/7B4D.tmp/icons custom/themes”

Please help me to solve this issue.

Thanks in advance.

PS: i have a french language pack.

This looks like permission issues. I would also turn off warnings in your php settings.