Can't delete subpanel from detailview


in the module “events”, there is a subpanel called “teilnehmer”. I created a module named “teilnehmer”, but i didnt link it to evetns. I dont know why the subpanel is there and I cant get rid of it. Not even in the directory cutsom/modules/FP_events/metadata or …/Ext, i cant find the subpanel and dont know how to delete it. Pls help me :slight_smile:

Have you checked the below location??

Admin → Studio → Events → subpanel


Admin → Studio → Events → relationships

Yes i did and.

Under Subpanel, there is the “teilnehmer” subpanel

Under relationship, there is no module called “teilnehemr”

Maybe try this from the root of SuiteCRM project:

grep -irn teilnehmer .

This is a “find-in-files” which should lead you to the relevant file defining the subpanel.

When you started the custom module, you probably selected to base it on a “Person” template. I wonder if the Events module uses that to add the subpanel as a feature…

Ah okay now I get it. It belongs to the module, it is for the invitation of people. I recognized it by the “status” column, if they come or not.

Du you have an Idea, how i could delete it? in which directory do I have to comment somehting out?
Which file should I edit?