Can't configure account because of database configuration

I’m truing to configure my very first account and can not because of database issue. I can login to db in console, but it’s not working here? What should I check and fix?

Welcome @Valeria !

I suspect that your database host isn’t the standard localhost which you may have entered (as I can’t see from your screenshot what that host field’s value ie). Try using the IP of the database host.

Someone else here did some troubleshooting to resolver their issue (which was the database host was an IP + port).

Thank you!I have the following data entered so maybe something is wrong? Should I type ‘localhost’ instead of ip address? And should I configure it somewhere?

Yes, you need to type localhost instead of your IP address .
You can follow up on this video: SuiteCRM Installation Guide - YouTube

I got it! Thank you so much for help)