Cannot switch off export at OpenReports via Admin/Role management

I’ve set the Export option to None in Admin / Role management for Reports.
Unfortunately, the effected users still can export csv, and pdf.
It it a bug, or did I make something wrong?
Should I set this right somewhere else?

Hi Scutter,

Thanks for highlighting this. I believe the Export functionality is not tied to the standard SugarCRM roles, hence why applying restrictions on Export has an effect at list view level, but allows you to export within the detail view of the module. If this makes sense.



Hi Will,

I tested, and unfortunately it is possible to export from list view too, and any Report users can export. It seems a critical problem. It can geopardize the safety of the sensitive data stored in SuiteCRM. It can be avoided only if I restrict the full access of Report as I realized.

Best regards

I know this is an old thread, but if you add this to your config.php file it’ll make it so that only admin users can export.

$sugar_config['admin_export_only'] = true,