cannot see welcome page - ist time user with 7.3

forming a typical installation of SuiteCRM

"Launch your browser and enter the following URL: http://<yourServer>/<yourSuiteCRMDirectory>/install.php

    This displays the Welcome page. "

Ok , I loaded php 5.4 ,unicontroller, mysql etc.

Unicontroller shows apache and mysql running

Here is the URL that keeps coming up:s

file:///C:/UniServerZ/home/us_access/www/SuiteCRM-7.3-MAX/install.php i put this into my browser, but then it adds the Silentinstall&cli=true

any ideaswhat i am doing wrong?

The page " file:///C:/UniServerZ/home/us_access/www/SuiteCRM-7.3-MAX/install.php i put this into my browser, but then it adds the Silentinstall&cli=true"
shows java script code plus a 6 panel windows display

Thanks … Marty

fixed : this is what should have been in the browser.


For others: I had downloaded the suite crm file, and had placed it in the wrong folder in the web server.

When I moved the files to the whole folder (Suitecrm-73-max) into the folder Uniserver Z it worked. Any other ideas welcome.

ok, this morning I tried http://localhost/SuiteCRM-7.3-MAX/index.php?module=Users&action=Login
but recceived an error message “Could not connect to the database. Please refer to sugarcrm.log for details.”

Now will start looking for sugarcrm.log somewhere in comp

found this one " flow.status = ‘Active’ AND (aow_workflow.run_when = ‘Always’ OR aow_workflow.run_when = ‘On_Save’ OR aow_workflow.

Table ‘suitecrmezebook.aow_workflow’ doesn’t exist
08/18/15 07:21:45 [7380][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: SELECT id FROM aow_workflow WHERE aow_workflow.flow_module = ‘ACLActions’ AND aow_workflow.status = ‘Active’ AND (aow_workflow.run_when = ‘Always’ OR aow_workflow.run_when = ‘On_Save’ OR aow_workflow.run_when =

‘Create’) AND aow_workflow.deleted = 0 : MySQL error 1146: Table ‘suitecrmezebook.aow_workflow’ doesn’t exist

anyone have any ideas of what is stopping me logging in from the above posts?

When I type in localhost into the browser, it comes up with the Uniserver page, so I have copied and pasted the info here to try andhelp track down what is wrong.

"Server links

Splash page - Displays server specification and useful links.



PHP Info.
Served Subdirectories
1 - SuiteCRM-7.3-MAX
Served PHP Files

Should this be showing something else? I have an awful feeling I have set it up wrong somewhere in the file structure.

EDIT: I found the error was caused by me inadvertently changing a password… So went into php myadmin and found the database andchanged the password to the correct one and"In Like Flynn" so life is good