Cannot import Products (AOS_Products) - No

When I try to import products into AOS_Products, I get to “Step 4: Index based Updating” and no field is shown in the “Available Fields” column.

This is true whether I choose, in Step 1, “Create new records” or Create new records and Update existing records …"

I am on SuiteCRM 7.14.3 with PHP v8

While in the Setp 4 window, after clicking Import Now, it shows an error modular window with a title “Import errors:” and a close link in the title header and an OK button in the body, but no actual error messages are shown and no error message goes to suitecrm.log.

The “Duplicate Merge” setting for the Name field is set (checked in Studio) to “Default selected filter”

I can manually create new Product records.

I have downloaded the Import Template and used it.

But no field appears in Step 4 so there is apparently nothing for the system to match against.

Any ideas?

what do your error logs say?

I don’t want to leave it this high but for debugging I set the error_reporting to E_ALL in php.ini and set the SuiteCRM LogLevel (in Admin->System Settings) to Error.

When I tried to Import a Product

Mon May 20 11:44:44 2024 [1796][1][ERROR] File upload://import/dupes_1.csv cannot be touched
Mon May 20 11:44:44 2024 [1796][1][ERROR] File upload://import/dupesdisplay_1.csv cannot be touched
Mon May 20 11:44:44 2024 [1796][1][ERROR] File upload://import/errorrecords_1.csv cannot be touched
Mon May 20 11:44:44 2024 [1796][1][ERROR] File upload://import/errorrecordsonly_1.csv cannot be touched
Mon May 20 11:44:49 2024 [1873][1][ERROR] File upload://IMPORT_AOS_Products_1-0 cannot be touched

I do not understand this since I have set the chmod to 775 for the entire directory (I know this is overkill but just to eliminate permissions issues while debugging) and the chown to www-data:www-data (apache2)

I can Import Accounts and Contacts and it works

There are similar error messages when I Import Contacts (as an example) but the Import does work

Mon May 20 11:50:42 2024 [1793][1][ERROR] File upload://IMPORT_Contact_1-0 cannot be touched
Mon May 20 11:50:42 2024 [1793][1][ERROR] File upload://import/dupes_1.csv cannot be touched
Mon May 20 11:50:42 2024 [1793][1][ERROR] File upload://import/dupesdisplay_1.csv cannot be touched
Mon May 20 11:50:42 2024 [1793][1][ERROR] File upload://import/errorrecords_1.csv cannot be touched
Mon May 20 11:50:42 2024 [1793][1][ERROR] File upload://import/errorrecordsonly_1.csv cannot be touched
Mon May 20 11:50:49 2024 [1793][1][FATAL] Caught error: trim(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated
Mon May 20 11:50:49 2024 [1793][1][FATAL] Caught error: Undefined property: Account::$billing_addresspostal_code
Mon May 20 11:50:49 2024 [1793][1][FATAL] Caught error: stat(): stat failed for upload/import/status_1.csv
Mon May 20 11:50:49 2024 [1793][1][FATAL] Caught error: touch(): UploadStream::stream_metadata is not implemented!
Mon May 20 11:50:49 2024 [1793][1][FATAL] Caught error: Function strftime() is deprecated
Mon May 20 11:50:49 2024 [1793][1][ERROR] File upload://import/status_1.csv cannot be touched
Mon May 20 11:51:05 2024 [1958][1][ERROR] File upload://IMPORT_Contact_1-0 cannot be touched

I cannot Import Products and when the error box shows in the SuiteCRM interface, (with these high logging and error_reporting settings):

  • for Contacts, it shows the errors in the modal dialog window that pops up
  • for Products, there is a flash of a modal dialog window but the dialog window that stays is empty

Does this give you any hint as to what is going on with Products?

Check ownership and permissions of the folder and the file.

I did check, and they are as indicated in my post:

  • all folders/files chmod 775 and chown www-data:www-data (apache)

That is why this is so confusing to me

Also the path looks weird is that the right path to the uploads folder?

@pstevens those are PHP streams, not simple file paths, you can read about it here

→ Upgrade PHPMailer to 6.4.x by Dillon-Brown · Pull Request #9123 · salesagility/SuiteCRM · GitHub

and then here
→ Email attachments broken since 7.10.31 for configurable upload folder · Issue #9236 · salesagility/SuiteCRM · GitHub

SuiteCRM is currently mid way between using them and not using them :man_shrugging:

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