Cannot find remoteEntry.js after building the extension and doing a repair and rebuild

i was following the tutorial " Adding a Custom Sidebar Widget" where i am building using “yarn run build-dev” and “yarn run build-dev:defaultExt” and the build is working fine no errors, through xampp which is running on port 80 everything is working fine but with angulars dev server which is localhost:5000 many urls are not accessible for that i am using proxy.conf.local.json to proxy few requests to localhost:80

  "/api/*": {
    "target": "http://localhost:80/crm3/public/",
    "secure": false,
    "logLevel": "debug",
    "changeOrigin": true
  "/legacy/*": {
    "target": "http://localhost:80/crm3/public/",
    "secure": false,
    "logLevel": "debug",
    "changeOrigin": true
  "/session-status/*": {
    "target": "http://localhost:80/crm3/public/",
    "secure": false,
    "logLevel": "debug",
    "changeOrigin": true
  "/site.webmanifest": {
    "target": "http://localhost:80/crm3/public/",
    "secure": false,
    "logLevel": "debug",
    "changeOrigin": true
  "/favicon.ico": {
    "target": "http://localhost:80/crm3/public/",
    "secure": false,
    "logLevel": "debug",
    "changeOrigin": true
  "/login": {
    "target": "http://localhost:80/crm3/public/",
    "secure": false,
    "logLevel": "debug",
    "changeOrigin": true
  "/dist/themes/suite8/images/favicon.ico": {
    "target": "http://localhost:80/crm3/dist/themes/suite8/images/favicon.ico",
    "secure": false,
    "logLevel": "debug",
    "changeOrigin": true
  "/public/extensions/defaultExt/remoteEntry.js": {
    "target": "http://localhost/crm3/public/extensions/defaultExt/remoteEntry.js",
    "secure": false,
    "logLevel": "debug",
    "changeOrigin": true

when i am accessing through xampps port the hello world widget is added to the accounts detail view
(i am not able to attach an screenshot as i am a new user but from xampp its able to access remoteEntry.js)

here i am not able to proxy the remoteEntry.js request
am i doing something wrong sorry i am novice to suitecrm8.5 thankyou

I had the same problem. What I’ve found is when federated module is used, multiple “ng serve” must be running to listen separate ports. according to angular.json, serve will listen port 3000. When I run “ng serve defaultExt”, it give “An unhandled exception occurred: Project “services” does not exist.” error. Because, angular.json contains services:… lines under defaultExt. I replaced them with defaultExt, ng server defaultExt started and begin listening port 3000. I edited my proxy.conf.local.json as below:
“target”: “”,
“pathRewrite”: {
“^/extensions/defaultExt/”: “/”
“secure”: false,
“changeOrigin”: true,
“logLevel”: “debug”

Suitecrm started working on port 5000. Unfortunately, main screen is looping, without any login.

I realized that, we don’t need to use “ng serve”. According to other posts, suitecrm developers use “yarn run build-dev:core --watch” and “yarn build:shell --watch”. In that case, production code is updated in any change and local web browser displaying the result. You may need to run “yarn build:defaultExt --watch” additionally.