Cannot Delete workflow

I had created a workflow on a custom module. The workflow calculates Age (calculated field) by subtracting date of birth (date format) from current date. For some reason, I had delete age field.

Now I am unable to delete the workflow. Retrospectively, I must have deleted the workflow and then deleted the calculated field. Now the damage is done.
When select the workflow and delete, the DB hangs. When I edit and save it, the DB hangs.

Is there any other way to just get rid of this workflow.

It is simple, just revert the data field back. No complicated. If you now the ID of the field, Then you can re-define it in vardef.php file of the module. If you are not a programmer then, it is not your game. You can hire someone to do this. After creating the field you can delete the workflow and so on…

I get same situation, could you pls help to explain more how t delete the workflow.

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If you may contact me on Skype, i can help you instantly. I have to check the things. Will need to see the database by screen sharing

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You are welcome