Cannot choose a Contact related to the Case in the workflow


I’m trying to send an email to the Contact related to the Case when a Case is created, but in the workflow for the module Cases I cannot pick a related Contact, only related Account and User.

I have tried adding new Case -> Contact relationships but the option is still missing.

Can someone help me resolve this?


Hi there,

You can do this by navigating to Admin -> AOP Settings and setting the email template that will be sent on creation of the case.



Hi Will,

Thanks for your response. I also need to send an email to the related contact on changes to the case, informing him about the case status, resolution text etc. Can this be done?

Hi Caslav,

SuiteCRM will do this as standard. There are email templates for all statuses in Admin -> AOP Settings:

Case Created Email Template: Straightforward, select case creation template here.
Case Closed Email Template: Straightforward, select case closed template here.
Contact Email Template: Select the case update template here.
User Email Template: Select the user case update template here(user assigned to case).

