Cannot add new Fields


To start off, I’m running SuiteCRM version 7.5.3 and Sugar Version 6.5.23 (Build 1061).

My issue is when I go into Studio, click a module , select fields and then select “Add Field” I get an error message. The message is as follows:

I get this same error for every module, simply switch out “AOS_Products” for the name of whichever module I’d be trying to add a field to. I did not implement this system so I am a little lost. From trying to trace through the code to find any declarations of “AOS_Products” or any other module name, I have not been able to find where such a declaration would fit or if it was ever declared somewhere at all.

I’ve seen some similar issues to this problem on here which people have responded with to disable errors. Having tried adding something like

display_errors = Off; 

to the ini file, I have had no success. Maybe I am using the wrong syntax or placing it in the wrong place of the file?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,


Try adding : ini_set(‘display_errors’, ‘Off’); to your index.php file just below the line if(!defined(‘sugarEntry’))define(‘sugarEntry’, true);

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Thanks, that seems to have worked!

No probs, This should only be used as temporary fix, you should fix the settings in the php.ini / server.