SuiteCRM Demo site, user: will
OS: Win10pro 64bit
Firefox & Chrome
After logged in the demo account, move to “Action” —> “Add Dashlets”, no response after click on it.
In Chrome console:
webui.js:5 Ractive.js: Missing "" transition plugin. You may need to download a transition via
e @ webui.js:5
webui.js:11 Blocked autofocusing on a form control in a cross-origin subframe.
o @ webui.js:11
/include/SugarCharts/Jit/js/mySugarCharts.js?v=LK8K6B34tOxIiri57ZiLew:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=LK8K6B34tOxIiri57ZiLew:4 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check
send @ sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=LK8K6B34tOxIiri57ZiLew:4
/include/SugarCharts/Jit/js/mySugarCharts.js?v=LK8K6B34tOxIiri57ZiLew:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
retrievePage.js:46 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'showDashletsDialog' of undefined
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (retrievePage.js:46)
at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=LK8K6B34tOxIiri57ZiLew:3)
at HTMLDivElement.r.handle (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=LK8K6B34tOxIiri57ZiLew:3)
at Object.trigger (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=LK8K6B34tOxIiri57ZiLew:3)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=LK8K6B34tOxIiri57ZiLew:3)
at Function.each (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=LK8K6B34tOxIiri57ZiLew:2)
at n.fn.init.each (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=LK8K6B34tOxIiri57ZiLew:2)
at n.fn.init.trigger (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=LK8K6B34tOxIiri57ZiLew:3)
at (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=LK8K6B34tOxIiri57ZiLew:12)
at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (sugar_grp1_jquery.js?v=LK8K6B34tOxIiri57ZiLew:12)
Need suggestions and helps!