Can we remove/hide unused Subpanels?

Hi folks,

I need to make slight change in look and feel. Suppose we open any Account record, there are quite a lot subpanels showing under that, like Campaigns, Quotes, Cases, Invoices, Bugs etc. Some of them are for No use, so is there any way we can remove/hide these unused Subpanels.
I am aware that it can be disabled via removing the relationships, but there is no “Delete” option coming in the Default system relationships, For Custom, it is available but not for the System defined.

Any suggestions.

Many thanks!

You can go to Admin > Developer Tools section > Display Modules and Subpanels

And from there select the subpanels you want to hide.

Maybe you have to do it for each user.

This will not hide/unhide subpanels dynamically (for example: hide only if it is empty). In case you want to do it dynamically you will have to write a logic hook or other customisations to achieve it. If you search google or the forum I am pretty sure that you will find a documented solution.

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Ok Sure @amariussi.
Thanks for the quick help.


One more thing, if you can help me out, I need to setup 2 environment of SuiteCRM (Same version) in single machine.

I have got a requirement where I need to setup 2 CRMs for 2 different Sales teams, I have setup One environment already in Ubuntu 18.04 machine (Location: /var/www/prospectsbuild)
Can I setup other one in different location in same machine (e.g /var/www/newfolder etc) and I am planning to create new DB in Same PhpMyadmin to link with the other setup.

Can I achieve the same, if yes, do I need to do any precautions or have to take any certain steps?

If understand well your requirement you want to use one unique DB and two file structures for the two instances:

. Same DB/Different file folder on same machine
In this way you will be able to share the database but you will end up in trouble!
For example:

customisations are saved in files: in this way they will not be aligned and, since they have an impact on the DB, sooner or later the other instance will have problems
uploads are also saved in files (eg: documents, images, email attachments). They are alse referenced in the DB.
With two instances sharing the same DB this will definitely become a problem
upgrades may have different effects and you will always have to make sure that you keep th two instances identical
Although you may get the impression that this set-up works this is just an illusion. You can’t and shouldn’t do it! It will fail and it will endanger some of your important assets of data and customisations!

The other set-up would be 2 DBs and 2 File Structures on same machine
This set up works perfectly. The only issues that I am aware of that yo may get are cookies being shared in case you open the two instances simultaneosly on the same browser from the same client machine: this situation will generate strange behaviours. However if you use browsers extensions/plugins that manage multiple identities you should not get any problem.